Welcome to St. Elizabeth Church
The construction of the original church building commenced around 1618 and was completed in 1628. The Comunidades of Ucassaim, Bastora, as well as Punola and Paliem, as well as many private individuals, funded the construction. Frei Miguel de Deus, a Franciscan friar, helped in obtaining a site for the church but was short of land. The new church was dedicated to St.Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal.
At the beginning of the 18th Century, a cyclone destroyed the church. It was rebuilt in 1708 on an enlarged scale. To reduce the cost, Fr. Francisco de São Boaventura, the then Parish Priest, himself used to carry timber on his back. Seeing his example, the whole parish joined in building the church and helped in reducing the cost.
St Elizabeth church is located in the picturesque village of Ucassaim Bardez Goa. Nestled in the beautiful planes amongst lush green fields lies the church of St Elizabeth. The church was built in the year 1628 and is one of the only church in goa dedicated to St Elizabeth of Portugal. The Parish priest of the church is Fr. Agnelo Mendes. The Parish comprises of 8 wards (Paliem, Nogueira , Punola, igorz Vado , St Anton, Bela Flor, and Pello Vaddo ) The Parishioners play an active part in the church activities throughout the year.