Funeral Requirements
- Inform the Parish Priest by 9.00 a.m.
- Get Doctor’s/Hospital’s Certificate of death (original).
- If it is “unnatural” death, get Police Clearance Certificate.
- Get grave-digger, to dig before 1.00 p.m., if the funeral is in the evening.
- Get grave number from Secretary/Sacristan.
- Take Xerox form from Parish Priest to be filled with the details/data of the dead correctly and with Capital letters (no short forms), before 12.00 noon, which later will go to Archive Books of Deaths.
- For announcement on Press, timing will have to be put exactly the same that has been agreed with the Parish Priest.
- Send some conveyance 10 mins. before, to pick up the Priest to say starting prayers at the house of the deceased.
- Burial is strict with mud only (no flowers).
- See that the gravedigger fills all the extracted mud over that particular grave only (and is not thrown around).
- Pay the bill after Funeral (if not before)…or at least the next day.